I had the opportunity to watch Sugarfoot of the Ohio Players perform probably in one of his last open-air concerts in Columbus, Ohio August 2013 at Bicentennial Park. The temperature stood that evening at 98 degrees with a heat index of maybe 105, under the stage lights it had to be at least 110 degrees. I was burning up just standing backstage shooting photos so I could only imagine what he was feeling being in frail health. His three-set 90-minute performance was fueled by his dedication and passion to give his loyal fans his very best, it was like he instinctively knew this was the final curtain call. That particular evening he decided to endure the heat and transcend into another musical dimension. I amazingly watched "Sugarfoot" limp backstage, sit down in front of the fan, drink a bottle of ice cold water, wipe off the sweat, mumble a prayer "I assume he was asking the Lord for strength" walk back onto the stage for another 30-minute set. Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner, leader of the funk band the Ohio Players died at the age of 69, January 2013 but his performance will always stick with me as being one of the most memorable moments in my career as a photojournalist. By Anthony Alden X.U.M.M.